Interview Roselia Roselia Interviews Translation

[Translation] Rosenchor Official Photobook

Artist: Roselia
Released: May 4, 2024

Interview: from Roselia to you

Vo. Aiba Aina × Minato Yukina

———What was the most memorable part of the Osaka Special Concerts?

VIOLET LINE. Before the song started, I sang part of it a cappella, with no instrumental backing, and I was really blown away by how all the fans immediately joined in and sang the intro’s chorus. Having everyone sing for us – with us – added layers to the song, and made it feel even deeper. It reminded me that every concert is a joint effort between us and our fans. I was also really pleased with the flow between Dear Gleam and The Sole Full Glory. Both songs stem from story events in the game, where the Roselia characters were on tour. I’m so, so happy that we got to share them with everyone during our own real-life tour.

———Could you tell us more about some special aspects of the tour itself?

It’s definitely gonna keep pushing us to even greater heights. I mean, we give each and every concert our all, but in May, we’re gonna have at least one performance nearly every single week. We’ll need to figure out how to reflect on them, and quickly apply what we’ve learned to our next show. Our goal is for every concert to be a unique experience. Even within each concert, no two moments will be the same. I really do hope everyone looks forward to seeing us evolve in that way.

———The date of the tour’s finale, June 30th, also happens to be the anniversary of your very first concert “Rosenlied”. When you look back on those days, what comes to mind?

Back then, I didn’t even know the first thing about being a vocalist. But I had to be Roselia’s Yukina, and therefore, I had to have a strong stage presence and convey her strengths as best as I could. I didn’t quite have the level of technique needed to do that yet, but I did my best, channeling her with sheer volume, a flashy performance, and pure moxie. But that was a nightmare for my voice. Since then, I’ve made a lot of progress in expressing Yukina in a more technical way, via changing up my vocal style, and other things like that. My moxie hasn’t faded, and I’m always willing to give 200% to everything I do, but I’ve grown beyond that too. Instead of just charging through like I used to, my technique has improved, and I’ve learned how to look at our performances from another, more objective, point of view. 

———Relay message time! Send a message to the next member in line (Aiba → Shizaki)

A lot of the time when I’m singing, I’m also listening to piano, which means I often find myself influenced by the way you play and how your emotions come through in your music. Every time I hear it, I find myself appreciating its liveliness and beautifully charming energy. I know you really love Osaka, so let’s come back some time and enjoy more delicious food. Also, during the Special Concerts, I tried to imitate the way you always put your hands together. I don’t think I pulled it off in quite the same way, so I guess that means I’ve gotta study you just a lil longer (*laughs*).

———And finally, send a message to the fans reading this!

After eight long years, we’re finally on tour. Maybe you’ve been keeping up with the band for ages, or maybe you’ve only learned about us recently. Regardless of how long you’ve been a fan, you’re here, now, able to join us on tour. That’s gotta be fate. The name of our tour is “Rosenchor”, and we’ve called it that for a reason. From way up on stage, to the very last seat in the back row, I’d love if every single one of us could make this “chorus” as loud as we can (*laughs*). Thank you for finding us, for liking us, and for continuing to support us. None of us is alone. Truly, thank you.

Gt. Kudou Haruka × Hikawa Sayo

———The Osaka Special Concerts have drawn to a close. Could you share your thoughts on it?

I was thrilled that the tour was starting in my own hometown. And the concerts were even held at Osaka Castle Hall, a venue I’d seen in documentaries about some of my favorite musicians. The guitar solo immediately after the intermission is a particularly special memory. I’ve always wanted to rise up like that during a performance.

———Are there any stand-out stories from the performance?

I loved how the caterers featured local foods. They brought stuff like takoyaki and pork buns from Horai. It was the first time in ages that I got to eat it, so I was really happy. Having a nice, warm meal after a concert always makes all the hard work feel worthwhile.

———Could you tell us more about some special aspects of the tour itself?

Each show is going to be unique. No two are going to be exactly the same. As the tour progresses, I want everyone to see how we grow and develop. By the end, I hope they’ll all witness some sort of miracle. I also feel like Rosenchor’s setlist has a great balance of songs. The first half was one crazy intense song after another, which got folks excited, and when we brought out songs that we hadn’t done in a while, I could see how happy it made the crowd. I hope everyone looks forward to the rest of the shows!

———The date of the tour’s finale, June 30th, also happens to be the anniversary of your very first concert “Rosenlied”. When you look back on those days, what comes to mind?

When we were just starting out, we only had a few songs, so we filled our sets with cover songs and even did a couple of them twice in one show. We were so concerned with how to actually fill a two-hour timeslot. Back then, I was putting in 120%, pushing myself as hard as possible. Nowadays, we have so many more songs, but my goal is the same: to give my all, and to put on the best performance possible. Actually, when I heard ROSE do The Soul’s Refrain during the opening act, it’s like I was transported back to our debut. That song felt hellishly difficult, definitely not like a debut song (*laughs*). I’ve since pushed past that obstacle, but it does still feel connected to our present. It led me here.

———Relay message time! Send a message to the next member in line (Kudou → Aiba)

This is our first tour, and I have no idea how it’s gonna go, but I really hope that you and I will be able to keep moving forwards, proud of the experiences we’ve had, and the challenges we’ve overcome, and the confidence we’ve gained. A while ago, when we were performing together, we both got sick because of the shifting weather. Let’s make sure we watch out for our health a little better this year.

———And finally, send a message to the fans reading this!

I want to thank you for all your support. At last, we’re finally setting off on the tour we’ve dreamed of. The Bandori family has grown a lot bigger, and we’re suddenly considered “the old guard”. Despite that, we’re gonna charge through this tour, trying to keep it all feeling fresh and new! I want to share these incredible moments and amazing sights with all of you, so please, come and see us. Don’t look away until the finale!!

Ba. Nakashima Yuki × Imai Lisa

———The Osaka Special Concerts have drawn to a close. Could you share your thoughts on it?

The first thing that comes to mind is “that was a blast–!!”. The setlist we put together was pretty challenging, and we were all worried we wouldn’t be able to pull it off. But that feeling completely disappeared because of how much fun we were having. We had fun, time flew, and the concert was over before we knew it.

———How did you go about deciding the setlist?

We started out by discussing basic plans, with a rough image in mind of what we wanted. Then we took that, incorporated what the management guys wanted us to do, and we had our set. Throughout it all, the five of us were in constant conversation. “I should take advantage of this break to swap basses”, “this stretch of songs might be too physically intense”… stuff like that.

———Did the Osaka performances have any particularly memorable moments?

The breakneck speed we needed to change our outfits…? I’m on stage right, but the dressing room was way over on stage left. I didn’t exactly need to make a mad dash for it, but I couldn’t help but think “ahhh, I need to hurry!”, so I started stripping down as I was running over (*laughs*). Maybe it’s because I was in such a rush, but I was all changed – clothes and accessories and everything – with six full minutes to spare. Turns out I coulda taken my sweet time (*laughs*).

———Did you notice anything special during these performances?

I always get really nervous before concerts, to the point where I can feel my heart racing. But this time, I felt unusually calm. Part of me was super excited, “today’s the day!” and all, but I never lost my cool. I hope that’ll become a trend for the rest of the tour.

———So, any idea what helped you keep calm under pressure?

I think it was the meatballs from 551. I’d never had them before, and they were so good that I ended up eating four servings all by myself (*laughs*). They totally helped me restore my strength.

———Could you tell us more about some special aspects of the tour itself?

Since this is a tour, we’ll be playing some of the same songs at the different stops. I hope everyone will remember the Osaka Special Concerts for their own merits, and that we’ll find new ways to make each performance stand out in their own ways. Like the name “Rosenchor” says, there will be a whole buncha chances to join our chorus. We hope everyone is prepared for that!

———Relay message time! Send a message to the next member in line (Nakashima → Kudou)

From headbanging, to spreading out to the edges of the stage, to playing back-to-back, let’s keep on getting the audience hella pumped up~! (*laughs*). In Osaka, we descended to the stage while holding hands, and I wanna keep on doing stuff like that.

———And finally, send a message to the fans reading this!

During the Osaka performances, I could hear all of your voices so well. It really felt like you guys had listened to a buncha songs beforehand so you could join in. Whether you watch it in-person or online, I’d love if you could sing along as loud as you can! Let’s join our voices in this “Rosenchor”!

Dr. Sakuragawa Megu × Udagawa Ako

———The Osaka Special Concerts have drawn to a close. Could you share your thoughts on it?

It was sorta strange, because even though I was like “the concert is over!”, I thought “oh, the tour has only just begun!”. I try to do my best during every single concert, but the tour is a uniquely difficult experience. We have the chance to think “I wish I had done better here”, make quick alterations, and then change things up for the next show.

———Did the Osaka performances have any particularly memorable moments?

The whole thing was memorable, but for me personally, it was doing a drum solo again. Hearing everyone calling out “Ako!” was great.  It’s been years since the last time we did something similar. If you saw it back then, or if this was your first time witnessing it, I hope everyone felt a sort of new-found excitement in doing the calls.

———Did you notice anything special during these performances?

Like we’ve said before, the stage is filled with monsters. I made mistakes that I don’t usually make. But on the bright side, I got to incorporate arrangements that I don’t usually play. I want a second chance to correct those mistakes. Yukki noticed my mistakes before I did, and without saying anything, she started playing her bass more loudly. My fellow rhythm section teammate was really supporting me!

———The date of the tour’s finale, June 30th, also happens to be the anniversary of your very first concert “Rosenlied”. When you look back on those days, what comes to mind?

Our earliest performances were extremely nerve-wracking in every sense of the word. I didn’t have the physical strength I needed, so I was worried about what would happen if my body gave out before the concert ended. At the same time, I was both nervous and excited about playing in front of a big crowd of people. As I am now, I’ve grown stronger and better, and there are times that I can take the lead. I want my drumming to keep providing support to the rest of the band’s voices and music. I simply didn’t feel that way during Rosenlied. Just like how “Rosenlied” has transformed into “Rosenchor”, I have transformed too.

———Relay message time! Send a message to the next member in line (Sakuragawa → Nakashima)

Yukki, as long as I have you and Lisa-nee at my side, we can overcome anything. I’m so happy that we can keep having fun together. We don’t need to be like “come on, let’s do it!” or “it’s fine, don’t worry!”. Let’s eat lots of yummy food and make tons of awesome memories on this tour!

———And finally, send a message to the fans reading this!

Thanks so much for always supporting Roselia. After years of waiting, we’re finally able to put on this big national tour. If it’s your first time coming, or if you’ve been many times before, I hope we can show you the super cool Roselia! Let’s make this a tour that we’ll never forget!

Key. Shizaki Kanon × Shirokane Rinko

———The Osaka Special Concerts have drawn to a close. Could you share your thoughts on it?

I was really glad that we finally got to perform in Osaka. I’m personally a big fan of the city. Playing there felt like a huge step forwards, especially since we don’t usually get the chance to do shows outside of Tokyo.

———It sounds like you love Osaka.

I love the people. They’re very lively and animated, and they’re quick to treat you like a friend. They make you feel like part of a big family. I adore how warm, and open, and compassionate they are.

———Did the Osaka performances have any particularly memorable moments?

The keyboard solo. It’s been a long time since I’ve done an extended one like that. Obviously, I like playing together with the whole band, so moments like that, when I’m playing solo, make me more nervous. I know “if I mess this up, I’m doomed”. But it was a really valuable experience. It’s not every day that I get to play something and know that everyone listening is able to appreciate every individual note.

———Did you notice anything special during these performances?

The MCs, I guess. Just to give one example, there’s a neighborhood in Osaka called “Shinsekai”, right? In FIRE BIRD, there are lines that contain that exact phrase. We actually got together and went to Shinsekai the day after the concert, and we were like “dang, we should’ve joked about this during our MC”. But that really got me thinking – we can start mentioning local specialties or referencing specific places during our MCs!

———Are there any stand-out stories from the performance?

We did a Twitter Space before the concert, and we talked about what kinds of local foods we wanted to eat. Then, on the day of the show, the entire catering spread was literally just our list! I was so touched by the extra effort. It made me really happy.

———Could you tell us more about some special aspects of the tour itself?

The Osaka Performances helped me come to a realization that each crowd is going to bring its own regional energy. In Osaka, they were super cheerful and enthusiastic. Even the moments that made people laugh were different. I think the influence of the local energy will make us all more aware that each live performance is really an “alive performance”. In a way, they have a life of their own.

———Relay message time! Send a message to the next member in line (Shizaki → Sakuragawa)

You and I have gone head-to-head during a bunch of our intermissions (*laughs*). But when we’re on stage during MCs, you’re always looking out for me. You make eye contact and invite me to show off our outfits. I’d like to thank you for that. Just know: when the Kanto showdown intermission happens, I will emerge victorious (*laughs*).

———And finally, send a message to the fans reading this!

Thank you so much for your unending support. Throughout this tour, I can’t wait to see all of you as we stop in different cities. Roselia will keep taking on new challenges, so we appreciate your continued support.

Let us hear your chorus.
Let us join our hearts as one.
You will never stand alone.
You’ll always be right here, in our hearts.
Truly, thank you.
Minato Yukina, Aiba Aina

Your voices are our pillar of support.
Let’s go together, to the end!
Hikawa Sayo, Kudou Haruka

It’s finally time for our first ever concert tour! Rosenchor!
I bet every show is gonna shine with its own colors!
Make sure you’re ready to let us hear your voices •ᴗ•
Can’t wait to see you!!
Imai Lisa, Nakashima Yuki

Come on, Japan! We wanna hear ALLLLL of your voices!
Love ya ( ˃▿˂ )
Udagawa Ako, Sakuragawa Megu

I’m really looking forward to traveling the country and meeting all of you.
Thank you so much, for everything 𝄞
Shirokane Rinko, Shizaki Kanon

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